We took off from Missing Mill park and turned down Old Edenton road toward the high school. We passed a "water stop" just before entering the King Street Cemetery, but as you can imagine, few of us stopped to take advantage of it. We raced through the central lane of the cemetery to Market Street, ran past my house (where the family, believing we were smart enough to come in from the rain) didn't even notice us passing.
The next turn was left through downtown, and then out Church St. to the "S" bridge, which we crossed, rounded a traffic cone, and recrossed before taking the last turn on Grubb St.
There were some exceptional times turned in - the winner was in under 17 minutes. I finished with a 26:20 - my best time this year by more than five minutes! My son Billy finsihed in a little over 22:00 - also his best recorded time (though I've seen him do it quicker).
Trophies were handed out to enthusiastic applause, and prize packets of Hertford-made goodies were door prizes...including some books by local authors, a hand-stitched wall hanging, and a very cool hand-carved walking stick.
Participants came from all age groups, and from all over Hertford, as well as from as far away as Charlotte. If I can convince them to do it again next year, we'll help get the world out and see if we can't bring in a few hundred runners to join the fun!
In the meantime, here are pictures of the very cool medal each participant received as they crossed the finish line:
Hopefully there will be a story in the Perquiman's Weekly - we'll be watching. If the photos I saw someone taking become available (or if that person reads this and will contact me) I'll try to get them here to share.
Until next time,
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