Thursday, November 16, 2006

The "S" Bridge is in danger...

If you're familiar with the town of Hertford, you know that one of the most scenic, quaint, and memorable things about the town is the curving little bridge that you cross coming in on Business 17 from the Elizabeth City side. If you don't hear the Andy Griffith theme song in your head when you see that road, you never saw the Andy Griffith show, and I'm a lot older than you are.

Anyway, the road leading to this has been repaired, resurfaced, and worked on for a long time now, and it's being studied again. The study isn't expected to end for several more years, but sadly it seems like they intend for it to end in some new method of acces, skipping that little section of road and likely spelling the end for the longest remaining "S" bridge in the United States.

I don't know if there is something that can be done, or even how to go about finding out, but I'd truly hate to see this landmark pass away from us...I love the town, even though we've only been there five or six years...and I love that bridge.

If I don't update here often enough, you can always find more comments on what is up in Hertford, my life, or my work over at my Live Journal...
